Monday, January 12, 2009

Blackhawk Trip Report

This weekend, my wife and I went up to Blackhawk to play poker. We practiced a little at home and I gave her some tips. We went up to the Golden Gates and played at their poker parlour.

We sat down on the same table and played for a few hours. She was playing very weak-tight, but she managed to win a few dollars. I played alright and was able to make about 40 dollars. We left around 6PM and had dinner at the Ameristar Casino. We went there to get a rewards card and to see what the casino looked like. The dinner was alright.

We stopped very shortly at the Lodge Casino and played slots for a little while. I won 20 dollars on the quarter slots and then we left.

Tuesday, Blackhawk is scheduled to vote on raising the limits from $5 to $100.

- weak tight works alright only because you are really tight.
- Most of the money I won was from me being aggressive.
- I probably played too tight when I had position and good cards.

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